Tip #1: When working with tissue lysate, proper perfusion of the tissue is essential to minimize host-IgG contamination.
Tip #2: The figure to the right shows an example where RhoGDI acetylation is being investigated in mouse tissue. Utilizing a mouse primary antibody followed by mouse-HRP secondary results in significant heavy and light chain background signal (panel A). The signal is due to host-IgG contamination as the signal appears in the input, and is visualized with mouse-HRP alone (panel D).
Tip #3: Possible approaches to minimize visualization of Host-IgG background signal is to utilize a primary antibody from a different host (panel B), use a specialized secondary antibody like cleanblot (panel C) that recognizes intact IgG, or trying pre-clearing approaches (panel A). We recommend, when possible, to utilize antibodies that are different from the host tissue. Clean blot significantly decreases IgG visualization, but also reduces signal (see input panel C). Pre-clearing is not sufficient at removing all host-IgG contamination.